
菲律宾十大彩票平台现有的符合福利条件的员工病假计划(FTE) .46 or greater) exceeds the state requirements. 因此,符合福利条件的员工将继续累积病假时间,如我们的 Sick Leave Policy. There is no change in the accrual rates or method; however, 符合福利条件的工作人员可以指定每个财政年度最多80小时的病假作为ESST. 

Faculty, student employees, 以前不请病假的非福利合格工作人员现在每工作30小时可获得1小时的健康和社会服务津贴, 每个财政年度的最大累积时间为48小时,最大余额为80小时. 

Please see the Earned Sick and Safe Time policy for more information.

When does earned sick and safe time begin?

January 1, 2024 is the effective date for the law.

Who is eligible for earned sick and safe leave?

Faculty, student employees, 和非福利资格,预计每年工作至少80小时,有资格获得ESST.

Will benefits-eligible staff members also accrue ESST?

No. 菲律宾十大彩票平台现有的符合福利条件的员工病假计划(FTE) .46 or greater) exceeds the states ESST requirements. 因此,符合福利条件的员工将继续累积病假时间,如我们的 Sick Leave Policy. There is no change in the accrual rates or method; however, 符合福利条件的工作人员可以指定每个财政年度最多80小时的病假作为ESST. 

What can earned sick and safe time be used for?


  • 雇员的精神或身体疾病、治疗或预防性护理
  • 家庭成员的精神或身体疾病、治疗或预防性护理
  • 因家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪员工或家庭成员而缺席
  • 由于天气或公共紧急情况而关闭雇员的工作场所,或由于天气或公共紧急情况而关闭家庭成员的学校或护理设施,使雇员无法工作.
  • 经卫生当局或卫生保健专业人员确定该雇员或其家庭成员有将传染病传染给他人的危险时.


Employees may use ESST to assist the following people:

  • their child, including foster child, adult child, legal ward, 以雇员为法定监护人的子女或雇员代表或代替父母的子女(代替父母)
  • their spouse or registered domestic partner
  • their sibling, stepsibling or foster sibling
  • their biological, adoptive or foster parent, 继父母或在雇员是未成年子女时代替父母的人
  • their grandchild, foster grandchild or step-grandchild
  • a child of a sibling of the employee
  • a sibling of the parents of the employee
  • a child-in-law or sibling-in-law
  • 雇员的配偶或已登记的家庭伴侣的家庭成员
  • 任何其他与雇员有血缘关系或与雇员关系密切相当于家庭关系的个人
  • up to one individual annually designated by the employee.

What is the rate of ESST accrual?

小时工可以获得病假和安全时间 .033 hours (2 minutes) for every hour worked. 工薪员工每工作30小时将获得相当于1小时的病假和安全时间.

When do earned sick and safe time accruals begin?


How soon can I use my earned sick and safe time accruals?



No, time can only be used once it has been earned.

How can I check my ESST accrual balance?





How do I request ESST?

To request or report ESST, use the Request Absence page in Workday. Please refer to the Workday Help Article for guidance: Request Earned Sick & Safe Time (ESST) – (for Everyone)

What is the maximum annual accrual?


Do unused ESST accruals roll over to the next fiscal year? If so, what is the maximum ESST balance?

Yes. Unused ESST accruals will roll over. The maximum ESST balance is 80 hours.


如果申请是为了覆盖不可预见的疾病,则不需要提前通知. 然而,员工必须在预定的工作时间之前通知他们的经理.

If the absence is foreseen (i.e. (如预约医疗),雇员必须在休假七天内提供缺席通知.


There is no minimum amount of time to report ESST. 小时工可以报告任何符合ESST要求的缺勤工作. 受薪雇员应以小时为单位报告ESST.

Can managers see an employee’s available ESST balance?

Yes. In Workday, managers can go to the employees profile, click on Absences, and on Absence Balance to see ESST accruals, utilization, and available balance.

As a manager of an employee with multiple positions, 我如何知道员工的ESST余额的哪一部分可以在我的部门缺勤?

If the absence qualifies for ESST, 员工可以使用累积的ESST工时来弥补任何错过的班次. ESST应计不与特定部门或角色绑定,未使用的应计跟随员工在菲律宾十大彩票平台的工作.

As a manager, 如果员工在我的部门工作的时间不够长,不足以弥补缺勤,我可以拒绝员工的ESST申请吗?

There are two parts to this answer.

  1. No. Accruals follow the employee, not the position. 如果他们有可用的ESST应计费用和合格的缺勤, supervisors must approve the absence request.
  2. 员工可以利用其应计费用的任何部分来弥补缺勤,如果他们有合格的缺勤. For example, 如果他们只有2个小时的时间,错过了3个小时的轮班, they can request 2 hours of ESST for a qualified absence.

If I end my employment, will my ESST be paid out to me?


What happens if I end my employment and then restart?

如果员工在离职后180天内被菲律宾十大彩票平台重新雇用, 他们在被解雇时的ESST余额将在重新雇用时恢复. If an employee returns after the 180-day window, there is no reinstatement of previous balances of ESST.